Importance of Mammograms!

Importance of Mammograms!

I want to take a moment to stress the importance of getting mammograms. I'm admittedly not the best at keeping up with this myself, but recent events have made me realize just how crucial it is.


Julie, the namesake of JulieAnn Caramels, was diagnosed with breast cancer a few months ago. She had both breasts removed, but during her follow-up for the next steps, she received the devastating news that the cancer had spread to her bones and spine.


I write this with tears in my eyes because Julie is one of my heroes. She is a testament to resilience and selflessness, always getting things done and never saying no. She’s always there to uplift others, regardless of their circumstances. People like her are rare. When someone said the world was at your feet, Julie was the one making sure it happened. She has taught so many life lessons and helped countless people along the way. Truly an amazing person, they just don’t make people like her anymore.


When I made my company, I named it JulieAnn Caramels because as a young girl, Julie would make the best caramel. I loved the flavor and texture and could never get enough. When I needed to make a candy as I traveled with Frank to his trade shows, caramels were the item I wanted to make. I have to admit, it took a lot of practice and patience with myself maybe even 20 times of making it—until I finally flew Julie out to Utah from California to get it just right. Julie taught me how to look for the color of the caramel, the best ingredients to use, and the feel of the caramel when it was done. I  can almost make caramel  without a thermometer. She also taught me to experiment with other items, introducing me to outstanding people like the CEO of  Guittard Chocolate! Julie is kind, and I love her for the incredible people I have met through her.


Julie never seeks anything in return; she is a giver and never complains (well, maybe once or twice, but it’s not in her nature). I love her and am so proud to be part of her life.


Please consider helping this incredible woman by donating to her GoFundMe linked at the end of this post. When you donate, know that you are truly helping someone who is deserving and will always pay it forward by helping others.

You can support her @gofund me. Support Julie Cancilla's Cancer Battle.

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